Archive: Articles


Current and future trends in web development & design, domains, and other webby topics.

Getting user roles in WordPress

WordPress uses a combination of Roles and Capabilities to determine site access for admins, logged in users, and guests. Capabilities determine what permissions or access a particular user has to parts of the WordPress code and/or plugin functionality. A Role is essentially a group of permissions that define a set of tasks a user...
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WP_Dropdown_Categories And Parent Optgroups

WP_Dropdown_Categories is a well used core WordPress function used to display or retrieve a dropdown list of categories as formatted HTML. It is highly customisable, with multiple settings for layout, category & taxonomy types etc. There is however no current method whereby top level parent categories can be set as non-selectable optgroup select options,...
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WordPress: Working with local time

Getting the right time when working with WordPress can be a little confusing at times. Conflicting Server, PHP and WordPress settings can lead to issues. Most WordPress sites are hosted on Linux servers. These set the server time very accurately either as a fixed offset of UTC or relative to an NTP server, or...
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WordPress: Term_Exists and Parent ID

I recently had an issue with a popular WordPress plugin when importing taxonomies into a custom post type. The plugin carried out a test to check if the taxonomy already exists. If so, then the post was attached to the existing term, if not then a new top level term was created and the...
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Styling the Owl Carousel

Owl Carousel is a popular lightweight touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel sliders. It is highly customizable and easy to add to any site including WordPress. Here I show you how to add the slider, and how to tweak the layout and style of the icons and buttons. Links...
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